BBQ Dinner
3 PM—6 PM (or until sold out)
Menu (provided by BBQ Delights Catering):
1/2 Chicken Dinner, baked potato, coleslaw, roll, and dessert, $13
Pre-ordering is strongly encouraged.
For all pre-orders please provide your name, phone number and total dinner orders. If needed, please leave a message and you will be contacted to confirm your order.
Pre-order Online:
Pre-order by Phone: Sandy Quay (518-605-1351) or Sarah Pasquini (518-210-2778)
Payment Information:
Pay by Venmo: @HelderbergFCO
Pay by Cash or Check: Pay at pickup. Please make check out to HFCO and on the memo line write: BBQ Dinner and your name.
Pickup Location: Knox Fire Department, 2198 Berne-Altamont Rd, Altamont, NY 12009
Proceeds to benefit the Helderberg Family and Community Organization.
For your safety and ours, all CDC guidelines will be followed.